Neymar made the [£200m] move to Paris Saint-German in August after buying out his contract.
Barcelona now want him to return a renewed bonus he was paid when he signed a new five-year deal just nine months ago before forcing through the move.
The club demands the player return the already paid sum as he has not completed his contract,it say, And the [£7.8m] bonus, the club wants,"an additional 10% because of the delayed payment.
As it goes,"The club also request Paris Saint German take on resposibility for the payment of these fees if the player cannot do so himself
Paris Ssaint German later responeded to say they were ["suprise"] by Barcelona's statement adding.
The club repeat that, along side Neymar Jr, It' strickly respect all applicable laws and rules and can only regret,once again,the attitude of Barcelona.
The law suit was sumitted on 11 August to the labour tribunal in Barcelona/
Following the transter, market.